Proven Results for a Better Future

As of June 1, 2011, seventy (70) Arkansas county affiliates participating in the ASPSF's activities awarded a combined total of 27,759 scholarships worth $15,182,754.  With an 85% proven retention and graduation rate by the recipients of the ASPSF, as compared to a 48.6% retention and graduation rate by university students in the United States (Diplomas & Dropouts, June 2009), it is clear that this program is highly successful.

ASPIRE continues to receive inquiries from other states about the steps necessary to establish this program in their communities.  This confirms our mission and verifies the importance of educating low-income single parents throughout the nation.  Without an education, many single parents will continue to depend upon food stamps, HUD housing, Medicaid and other government assistance even while they are working.

The most effective way to help single parents get off government assistance is to enable them to obtain an education that can move them into jobs that will sustain their families.  When you bring a single parent out of poverty, they bring their children with them.